SF Bay Area 2016: Role of Foodie+Tech Culture in an Era of Systemic Racism and Neoliberal Capitalism


This is an update of what I had written a few days ago about the new conference for 2016. 

In May of 2015 I wrote an article that interrogated the role of Foodie+Tech culture within an era of neoliberal capitalism and a racist food system. A surprisingly high number of you privately emailed me to express enthusiasm and appreciation for me having written this article. In addition, having attended quite a few food+tech (or similar) events in the SF Bay area over the last few years, the assumption during most of these events is that we live in a ‘post-racial’ USAmerican [food] system.

For 2016, I have decided that the theme for my next conference will be From Seed to Table[t]: Foodie+Tech Culture in an Era of Systemic Racism and Neoliberal Capitalism (Challenges and Possibilities). I could not be more thrilled! I have also decided to make the big move and host the conference through my consulting company Critical Diversity Solutions(CDS) with the Sistah Vegan Project being a co-organizer and one of the sponsors. Because of the focus of CDS, I think this makes strategic sense; it also opens up the event to my existing Sistah Vegan fan base and new people who have more interest in the basic foundation of CDS. If you missed this year’s April 24-25 2015 conference, learn about how we interrogated the meaning of Black Lives Matter Within Ethical Consumption.

First of all, the date of event will most likely be spring of 2016. I am hoping that I can host the event in an actual physical space. I have my eyes set on Impact Hub Oakland. I envision that the event would be live streamed and recorded; in addition, those who cannot show up in person to give a talk can participate via video-conference. Audience members who cannot show up physically can participate from a tablet, smartphone, computer or dial in via phone.

To get an idea about what the conference will be about, I encourage you to read my article: “FROM SEED TO TABLE[T]: CAN FOODIE-TECH STARTUPS CHANGE A NEOLIBERAL, RACIST, AND CAPITALIST [FOOD] SYSTEM?

What the We Need From You to Make this Conference Possible


If you want to participate as a speaker or have a speaker in mind, please let me know ASAP. Send me an abstract of what you’d like to talk about  if you yourself want to speak. (email: sistahveganconference at gmail dot com)

A Space To Host the Event. 

I would love to have this event take place in Oakland at the Impact Hub Location. I think it would be perfect. If you have ever visited this space, you would probably agree that it’s an amazing co-working space that is very conscious around racial power dynamics, diversity, ethical consumption, and technology challenges+innovations. I have never organized a conference for a physical location and am seeking a volunteer to help me with this.

Poster Design.

I would like to work with a designer to create a captivating poster design for this event. Would anyone be willing to do this pro-bono?


I am seeking sponsorship and have been told to start early. I need help with finding sponsors. Those that come to mind are

  1. Food+Tech Connect
  2. Food First
  3. Impossible Foods
  4. Civil Eats
  5. Facing Race
  6. Google
  7. Twitter
  8. Pinterest
  9. WordPress
  10. LinkedIn
  11. Hack the Hood
  12. Black Girls Code
  13. Race Forward
  14. Ella Baker Center
  15. People’s Grocery

I am curious to know if organizations or companies that have never publicly spoken about the role of foodie+tech within an era of systemic racism, would support this conference. Who wants to volunteer to get sponsors? 

2 thoughts on “SF Bay Area 2016: Role of Foodie+Tech Culture in an Era of Systemic Racism and Neoliberal Capitalism
